Welcome to my new Voice Over blog and THANKS for stopping by!

The purpose of this Blog is to provide content concerning the business, creative, financing and tech areas of Voice Over.
So, why read a blog from me, when there are so many great VO talents who write on a daily basis?
–I bring a unique perspective from the business world for many years, providing professional services to physicians, their Operating Rooms and their staff.
— An understanding and experience in many topics, but love to discuss tech and marketing more than anything.
— VO is my passion and I lovediscussing all the different topics, establishing new relationships with clients & other VOs, as well as learning and teaching as much as possible.
And here are some other blogs I recommend: J.Michael Collins, Marc Scott, Bill Dewees.
Please leave comments and or suggestions as to what you would like to read about. If you want to know more about me click here: About Me
Also, you can jump right to my 1st blog article right here: Becoming a VO!